
Get actionable insights from your data that support clear, confident business decisions

Measuring The Pulse Of The Business With Real-time Search And Analytics

NCS offers comprehensive Elasticsearch support including deployment, integration and analytics. This ensures rapid access to information from digital document archives as well as the millions of log lines that measure the performance of business-critical software.

We also ensure that you get the most from cutting-edge Elasticsearch technologies. These include inverted indices with finite state transducers for full-text querying, a column store for analytics and BKD trees for storing numeric and geo data. Advanced indexing supports incredibly fast retrieval so that you can respond to business requirements quickly and flexibly.

Other important Elasticsearch features include intuitive APIs and business-class reliability. It also has a Hadoop Connector, and the X-pack feature is easily installed to boost security, monitoring and alerting.

database management, oracle, microsoft, elastic, data engineering ncs london

database management, oracle, microsoft, elastic, data engineering ncs london

Key Elasticsearch features

Provides scalable search

Real-time Search

Supports multi-tenancy

Supports all data types

Compatible with Java, Python, .NET, and Groovy

Knowledge Counts, But Attitude Makes The Difference

We handpick our NCS engineers not just for their knowledge but for their mindset

database management, oracle, microsoft, elastic, data engineering ncs london

Peace Of Mind

Our engineers are always available and go the extra mile when supporting your in-house team

database management, oracle, microsoft, elastic, data engineering ncs london

Holistic Approach

Applying our expertise to databases, operating systems, networking and storage

database management, oracle, microsoft, elastic, data engineering ncs london

Professional Attitude

We invest time in getting to understand your in-house team and wider stakeholders in the business

database management, oracle, microsoft, elastic, data engineering ncs london

Intellectual Curosity

We’re never satisfied until we’ve compared every option, explored every solution, solved every challenge